I notice.

A poem written by me.

There are two types of people.
The type of person who cares,
And those who pretend that they do.
I notice those who care.
I notice the little things people say.
I notice the little things people do.
I notice the little things that help the big picture stand out.
And I notice the little things people don’t do.
I notice how if somebody is sad or upset
the person who pretends to care,
will ask what is wrong.
Whereas the person who cares
will give the upset person a hug, with no words.
Those are the best hugs.
I notice the people who cheer for the underdog,
Rather than cheer against them.
I notice the pop of color in a painting,
Rather than just the image of the painting
I notice the little things that people don’t notice.
The things that make the bigger things even greater.
I notice even the smallest things,
Whether it be a simple smile or a wave to a person passing by.
I notice how it can make somebody’s day a lot better,
Because their existence is acknowledged by somebody else.
I notice all these things.

The Importance Of A Team

To me one of the important things in life is to be on a team. Some people might think why, it is just a group of people doing something together. That is not the answer to me. A team is someone you can trust, people who can make you a better player or person then you are, and lastly people who make you happy when you see them.

One of the reasons a team is so important to me is I can trust them. Having somebody to trust works miracles. You can just get everything of your chest, and they are always there for you. They keep everything safe with them and they will help you get through the good and the bad. To me, if I did not have anyone I could trust I do not know what I would do. I mean I know you can always trust your parents, but in some situations you just can not quite tell them yet. When you have somebody to trust you know you can just relax a little.

Photo Credits: RLeePics

Photo Credits: RLeePics

Another key thing to being on a team is the people make you a better player or person. It is not good to judge your own skills because, your teammates can pick out your strengths and weaknesses. Having them for that can make you a stronger player and also become a helpful player or teammate. If you did not have that you might think oh well, I am to good for this and people might get annoyed by that. But, the main thing is to give helpful hints and not just make them feel bad.

Lastly what makes a team important is they make you feel better when you see them. When I have that someone or something that makes me happier it just brightens my day even more than it could possibly be. To me not having that, I could never feel better, never get my hopes up. But, having friends like this they will get you on your most down and dreary days.

Overall, having a team, meaning sports players to teammates on a math team to even your group of friends is very lucky to have. Continue reading

Is there an insanity problem in the U.S.?

On July 20th 2012 James Holmes went to a premiere of The Dark Knight Rises in Aurora, Colorado, he walked in with two handguns and killed 12 people and injured 58. On September 27, 2012 Andrew Engeldinger shot five people to death and injured 3 others at Accent Signage Systems in Minneapolis, MN.  On a chilly Friday morning at Newton, Conn., Adam Lanza drove to Sandy Hook elementary school and tried to get in. He then broke the glass of a door and went straight to a meeting room where the principal and school psychologist and other faculty members were and started shooting. He then proceded to a first grade classroom and shot fifteen little innocent children. The rest is too gruesome for anybody to think about. After it all happened 28 people ended up dead that day, 18 of those people  were children. 

My point is that we have problem in society. If someone is mentally ill or makes threats about killing people often don’t you think you should get help for them? And Nancy Lanza had two Bushmaster XM-15 rifles in her home. Why would anybody want a automatic military assault rifle to protect themselves? I believe handguns are OK, but automatic military assault rifles! I hope tragedy’s like this will never happen again but this is probably not the last.